llustration of three boats heading out to sea

Build and Manage High-Performance Distributed Teams

I help leaders shape the future of work by steering towards team empowerment and full collaboration. For more, check out my seminal book, Building and Managing High-Performance Distributed Teams, now available at all major booksellers.

Distributed teams are here to stay

COVID gave great prominence to the practicality in operating away from a central office. Yet, managing a team whose members are working from several locations requires a different mindset. One that will remain a must-have for all areas of business from this point forward.

Building and Managing High-Performance Distributed Teams explores why the distributed team model became vital to the survival of most companies. The book is a collection of the no-nonsense knowledge you need so to chart your course for success.

Moreover, I leverage industry knowledge to explain how you too can build and maintain one through times of change. I share how you can attract and engage the most important element of any company — good people.

Sample copy of the Building and Managing High-Performance Distributed Teams book written by Alberto Silveira and published by Apress

Why Crossing the Equator?

My passion for boating appears many times in life because of the obvious parallels between crews on a boat and teams in an organization. As I wrote this book, the metaphor of crossing the Equator was constantly in my mind. The imaginary line that divides the planet is hugely symbolic for several reasons. As a boater and competitive sailor, it plays a major role in maritime navigation and tradition. Smart navigation remains a vital tool for the high-performance of both.

Second, the Equator mirrors my own life story. Growing up in Brazil, I set foot in New York City. Here, I lived that American dream of building a successful career. And, as the book shows, distributed work opportunities means we are now in an age where everyone can make success of oneself from wherever in the world you happen to be. It's about the commitment to go out there and take that leap. From raw talent and desire to tangible achievement.

Third, we are all in for another lap around the globe. In the new cycle, people leverage technology – the internet especially. Collaboration technologies are taking the place of brick-and-mortar meeting spaces. This will lead to a tipping of the scales on how work and life unfolds for us all. The pandemic of 2020 pushed much of this into high gear. But long before, the future-of-work gurus already pointed to a global economy. We're crossing over into an entirely new work model: "the new normal".
Photo of Alberto Silveira, a 40-something white man wearing a woolen cap and black winter jacket. In the background, a small boat with sails down floats in the harbor

Hello, I'm 
Alberto Silveira

If you've met me, you know I'm passionate, energetic, and a hands-on leader. There are many years of experience in building teams and digital products.

If you haven't, you should know I strongly believe that people always come first. I use trust as the foundation of my success. I love the art of gathering people as much as I like being out on the water in my boat.

To our joined success, me and my High-Performance Distributed Teams realize the value of learning quickly and adapting to change. Together, we provide technical and product vision that accelerate value delivery.

Through this book, I invite you to share what we keep at the heart of all our activities. The blend of leadership, empathy and, creative and analytical abilities are crucial to sail towards maximum effectiveness.

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